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Four Themes: The Unknown

I haven't completed much research into this topic as it's the one I have the least amount of interest in and due to time constraints on this presentation being only eight minutes, I believe by the time I get to talking about this topic I won't have much or any time left.


To me, the term “the unknown” relates to anything we as humans don’t understand or have the answers to this could be answers to cosmic questions or questions about historical events in human life like for example the age-old question


“What happened to Madeline McCann?”




“are we alone?”




Which landed me on conspiracy theories as by definition they are:


“a belief that some secret but influential organization is responsible for an event or phenomenon:”


Which could be in human life or extraterrestrial or space-related


TheTopTens. (n.d.). Top 10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories. [online] Available at:

9/11 was an inside job (People believe that the American government planned it) “Engineers have discussed how a commercial aluminum plane at that speed could not have penetrated that steel and concrete building. Many people who were there said that the plane they saw was a black military plane. Demolitions experts have explained how a structure of that magnitude and quality engineering could not have been felled without some sort of internal explosions, placed at strategic points (the four main support pylons, I believe).”



The moon landing was faked (people believe it was faked by the government) “Big pointers to this theory is the flag is rippling when there is no air in space to make this happen”


The JFK Assassination Although I think that Oswald didn't act alone, I do believe that it was not an inside job. LHO lived in Russia for some time. I think that the USSR told him to assassinate JFK. I think that he and another unknown shooter (Jack Ruby? ) I think that US government eventually found out, covered up for Russia, and pretended like they didn't know to prevent the start of World War 3 because the government believed that if the public found out, there would be an outcry to avenge the beloved Presidents murder.

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