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Playful Thinking - Research 

This page is for my minor module of semester two called playful thinking in which I have to write an essay


Schultz, J. (2011). Launching the Space Race: Making Space. [online] NASA. Available at:

- Nasa creation October 1st 1958 

- a few days after Nasa was founded a new organisation was announced with the goal of naming the united states as the leader in space 

- Robert Gilruth was named to lead the space task a 36 - person nucleus around which the entire US human spaceflight program condensed 


- Gilruths group waded through a host of thorny issues including things like how to design a heat shield to protect the astronaughts capsules from burning up on re entry and generic question about rocket design like which ones? in which configurations

- Project Mercury answered those questions boosting US astronauts into the space race.

- development of little joe and big joe and other test rockets allowed for the pro typing of carrying dummy payloads and seeing if a capsule could separate from a rocket and crash safely in the ocean.

- On may 5th 1961, Alan Shepard was the first American to fly mercury capsule freedom 7 into space on board a red stone rocket developed by the US army.

- by may 1963, six mercury missions had been completed 

- JFK in 1961 vowed that by the end of the decade that the US would put a man on the moon and return him safely back to earth 

- July 20th 1969 - Moon landing (2019). Space Race Exhibition. [online] Available at:

 - After ww2, the united states and the soviet union became locked in a global conflict pitting democracy against communism. space became a critical theatre in this cold war.

- Before a watchful world, each side sought to demonstrate superiority in rocketry and spaceflight 

- secret satellites kept a weary eye on the adversary 

Anon, (n.d.). How the Space Race Affected Pop Culture | Real Archaeology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2023].

During the 1960s america became highly invested in the space race. this obsession led to many cultural changes throughout the decade since the space race was a projection of the future, it changed pop culture dramatically 

- Movies were first to change the view of space in 1968, one year before the moon landing "2001 - a space odyssey" released which was a movie about a space voyage to Jupiter to investigate an anomaly. The movie was an outlook into what could come in the future

- 2001 a space odyssey, started a trend of space and science fiction movies painting the way for the the likes of STAR WARS, Alien and Close Encounters and many more 

- Movies were not the only thing that was affected by the space race. The amusement scene drastically changed throughout the 60s and 70s. In the late 60s and 70s, Walt Disney made many changes to the theme park centered around space. One of the first attractions opened was Flight to the Moon, a simulated rocket launch. It captured the moments of pure imagination and fear. Another famous ride was the Astro Orbiter, which featured spinning arms around a column with planets as seats. It acted as the solar system.

the Guardian. (2019). How the moon landing shaped early video games. [online] Available at:

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