Final Major Project: Phase 4
To End Phase 3 and start phase 4 we presented our three game ideas to the class in the presnetation on the previous page and then the class left comments on microcosm "MXp3"

Many members of the class didn't really comments much on this presentation however, the ones that did made some interesting point.
For example, one person said that they loved the satellite defender custom controller with another person saying that I should look into using trackball technology.
The trackball technology seemed very interesting to look into as its a controller that has a spinning ball in the middle like what I am trying to achieve with the custom controller on that game idea.
I was very intrigued by this trackball mouse accessory/controller so I had a little look into it according to what I've seen on amazon they are not very expensive. At only £29.99 that's pretty decent for a controller with intriguing technology built in.
Techwalla. (2015). Uses of a Computer Trackball | Techwalla. [online] Available at:
In terms of how the technology works i looked into it and baically the website that i have sourced above says this
"A trackball is a computer pointing device which can perform the same functions as a mouse. Computer mice have small balls inside of them, and when a user moves the mouse, the ball rolls, causing the pointer on the screen to move. With a trackball, the user simply rolls the ball itself using her fingers or thumb, while the body of the device stays in place. Although the devices can be used for identical tasks, a trackball can sometimes offer distinct advantages over a mouse."
This basically menaing that its the same as a mouce but you doint move it you move the ball, which is actually not very impressive and sounds confusing which probably explains the cheap price
Anyways, as cool as making a custom controller for my game would be i believe that given the time i have to complete this project (19 weeks) and given the fact i am a solo creator i will not hav ethe time to intrigrate this mehcanic fully which is why i am going to be going ahead with designing and making "kessler".
i am going ahead with this idea for one: because I love the idea two: space debris is not talked about enough and for the last reason as you can see in the image of the comments that was the most popular game idea amongst my class