Game Idea 3: Solar Simulator
“In the lives of every creature on Earth are echoes of events that occurred a long, long time ago. Events of unimaginable scale and violent beauty that connect all living things,” – Morgan Freeman (netflix documentary series “Our Universe”)
What is solar Builder?
I recently have been watching a new docuseries on Netflix called “Our universe” that is narrated by Morgan freeman and in that Morgan talks quite often about how every action that’s happened in the universe has an effect on every thing in the universe from birds to seasons .
So my idea here is to make a sandbox game (very cliché probably wont pursue this idea) in which the player can edit one slight thing about a planet or space object like a star and see what effects that has on the solar system.
This game would focus more on the mathematical side of space and the more theoretical as appose to the more factual information available about space
What is the essential experience?
The essential experience for this game would be Education
As I want this game idea to be a game that provides players with fractural correct information for what would happen in the event of something they did
For Example if the player increased the mass of the sun the first thing they would be told is that due to that mercury has been either engulfed by the sun or is on a decaying orbit and on course to be.