Final Major Project: Phase 2
To start this phase we presented our research in an 8-minute presentation discussing the our 4 research topics we chose to look into for phase 1. We presented our PowerPoint presentations and unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to get through all my research in said presentation due to doing such a deep dive so early on into the meaning of life.
The class during the presentation used nodenogg. in to post anonymous comments on a microcosm (mx18) On my presentation the image above showcases the comment web that was created, the image on this blog looks very small so I suggest if you are reading this and interested in seeing all of the comments created to go to the microcosm on called "mx18", I will however talk about some of the most interesting comments and which one of these topics I will be taking further in phase 2 for more in-depth research.

This is a comment from someone that strike my interest the link links to a YouTube video about what would happen if the earth was to crash into earth, this comment strikes my interest as before this recently there was a movie called Moon fall that I watched as a result of this comment that deals with a scenario in which the moon went off orbit and crashed into the earth which is and as this person said a cool depiction of an astronomical event.

This person commented on the space section of my presentation linking a post by the astronomy department of the and to look into what the university is doing in relation to space, i have taken this into consideration and found that Frances Clarke, who is the adviser for the space program at the university is coming to WSA to do a talk on space along side other presenters on the 8th November 2022 that i plan to attend hoping to find out more about what the uni had done and is currently doing in the field of space that could maybe help further my research

The next comment that really strikes an interest in me is this comment in which someone states how maybe i should look further into absurd-ism and fatalism if i am to pursue my meaning of life research past this point as it may be easier to narrow the quite expansive and theoretical topic down into a well defined topic and how many philosophies could fit it.
This is defiantly something i will take further if after looking at the classes engagement i decide that the meaning of life is an area of research worthy of my time and effort and one that can provide me with solid results.
Next i looked into this comment that was about the loneliness research section of my presentation in which someone has stated how the space research and loneliness can be areas that link together when using questions like:
"Are we the only living organisms in this universe?"
"Are there other living creatures as well?"
what i believe they mean by these question is if maybe there is life on other planets or if we are alone in being the only planet in the universe that can support life (very unlikely in my opinion)
And again another person spoke about how another one of my topics could link to space and this one kinda does as its the unknown which could link to the unknown of our planet and conspiracy theories like i spoke about but according to this person they also believe i should look into how the unknown links to questions about space as well as the depths of the oceans here on earth which links to the topic of the ocean that another student looked at in their presentation.
These comments amongst the other comments that I didn't speak about on this page (can be found on noddnogg. in) have made me realize that the majority of my chosen topics can link to one of them being SPACE so in accordance with the engagement from the class and how interested space makes me as a person I feel like space will be the area of research I will be taking further in phase 2 of this design process.