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Kessler: Talk With Class

During one random day in semester one after we had all chosen the game idea that we would like to pursue and take forward someone in the class suggested to all come in on a day where we have no scheduled lecture or any university related event and just talk to one another about our ideas.

The Idea of this was to get the others to give you further ideas and help you expand your idea further and maybe even help people decide if they want to team up and work together on someone's idea. When we got round to me I presented a little blurb of the game idea to the class and they gave tehri insight and ideas which i noted down and they were:

Look at game 400 years 

Survival ability maybe not work with side scroller r


Use environment to help you traverse 


Start in bunker in a vertical platformer 


Stuff falls faster due to higher mass 


Spend end game in space 


Acid rain 

Hiding under cockroach 


Pilgrimage for the underground society 

And not come back 


Get parts to rocket and have to psyically hold them 


Click tick fusion 

  • Instagram

Click on the instagram link to se ethe rest of my work 

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