Final Major Project - Phase 1
To Begin this final major project I Looked into the brief provided to us for what this last year will entail and as you can see below it is divided up into four different phases.

These different phases are as follows with Phase One and Two being the research phase in which phase one comprises looking at Four different themes to research and then presenting them back to the class which then leads into phase two which is where we will take one of those ideas and explore it in more detail and then present back again with our more in-depth findings.
After completing Phase two We will start phase 3 which is to start making some game ideas based on the feedback given by the class in response to our end phase 2 presentation and then compile those ideas into another presentation for the class to see which we will do alongside creating and making small prototypes in different ways maybe paper or could be coded to illustrate our ideas.
I started this phase of development By coming up with a list of things/activities/people in this world that give me emotion those being crying, anger, interest, stimulation intellectually, and what makes me excited.
For each one of those emotions, I wrote down a few things that gave me that sense and stuck it on my display wall with some visual stimuli (which can be seen below) to help me.

For example, For what interests me I put down that space interests me and I wrote this down because space is a mass vacuum of knowledge and there are so many areas of space that could pose an interesting area of research later on in the development process. Furthermore, for what interests me I wrote "The meaning of life" this is a question that some of the most intelligent philosophers and scientists don't even have a solid answer for so it interests me to read about what they or others from other walks of life believe the meaning believe it to be, I also wrote down "Nature" and "The Unknown" because the unknown links to space and the unknown of places on earth like the very interesting ocean and nature because it's very intriguing to understand the magnificence of what makes an ecosystem work.
For what things make me feel excited my first thought was to write down "Snow" because I love the cold more than warmth it makes me feel very cozy and comfortable to be wrapped in blankets trying to warm up and seeing snow falling through a window fills me with delight. I also wrote down drinking alcohol as an answer to what excites me the morning after drinking doesn't feel with excitement but the act of going out with friends for a fun night out with drinking involved is very exciting to me.
What causes me to laugh provided some very dark answers from serious things due to feeling nervous and scared at the moment and letting out a nervous cackle to laughing hysterically when seeing children falling over I'm not quite sure what makes that funny to me but I just can't help but laugh. I also wrote down a few internet personalities more specially YouTubers that I find funny those being a man by the name of "Jacksepticeye" as well as another bloke who goes by the alias "Daz games".
I also did the same for the following emotions and feelings below:
Stimulates intellectually
- Cost of living
- Problem-solving
- Moral questions
- Riddles
- Quiz's
- Men
- Tories
- Not being taken seriously
- Criminal justice system
- Men
- Depressive music
- Last of us 2
- Tell me why
- Uni
- Loneliness
I then looked at all of the above areas and had to decide on 4 themes to research into to create a presentation in order to create an 8-minute presentation for the class to hopefully help me decide one area to explode the research into in phase 2.
The areas that i decided to look into Are:
- Space
- The unknown
- loneliness
- The meaning of life
I chose these topics to research into further detail because of deep rooted interest into finding out more about these areas which will drive my research into more interesting places due to my overwhelming sense of lust to read the information about these topic areas.
Click the Buttons below to take you to the pages of research i compiled to help me create my 8 minute four themes presentation.