Final Major Project: Phase 3
To end Phase two and start phase 3 we had to take our topic chosen by us in response to our first presentation feedback (which can be found in the "phase 2 - start" post) and dive deeper into the 3 specific areas and present back to the class again with our findings.
As you may have read in the research posts I made before this one in phase two I have decided on the topic of space and more specifically I looked into space debris and the light cycle of a star however due to getting sucked down an information rabbit hole with the space debris topic I didn't have much time to present a third area of this space topic.
The majority of my presentation centered around Space debris and the Kessler syndrome as well as a small section on the process of how a star is born and how it eventually dies.
The comments above are once again like the other presentation I documented in this research phase from Nodnogg. which can be found under the microcosm name "mxp2" and our feedback and suggestions from the class on what I talked about.
The class gave their suggestions on some of the information that I shared as well as some giving suggestions on things to look at and places to visit. For example, one person mentioned the Science center and planetarium here in Winchester as a place to visit before starting this project in around February 2022 I went to this science center with a few of my classmates at the time just for fun so I looked back on my memories of that trip and don't remember a great deal of information about any space debris information.
The planetarium shows that the Winchester science center had was mainly about the consolations that you can see from the earth and where to look to see them, so this wouldn't have been, much help towards the topic I'm most likely going to go ahead with that being space debris.
However, this suggestion did spark an idea there was a game that a past games designer and art student at the university had created that was an arcade game to do with cancer and they had this game displayed and playable as an exhibit in the science center. This gave me the idea to possibly showcase the finished game I make based on space debris to the center in hopes that maybe they could do the same and add it to their space exhibits to educate on space debris as well as give the visitors some fun.
Many others gave ideas for where to take the topics in terms of games, for example, one person wrote "Explore the possible future of getting stuck on earth" this I believe was in response to my part of the presentation on the Kessler syndrome and the possibility that if enough bits of space debris collide it would create an inescapable orbit of debris which would make it near impossible for us to leave the planet safely. Furthermore, another person said "look into space pollution and see the possible effect on the environment"
All of this feedback given to me by the class has instilled a few game ideas into my brain which I will continue to work on and create a presentation for the class to see once again and seek help for which of the game ideas could work best.